Participants: John and Mary, Russ and Linda, and Pete Weber
This is a picture of Russ and Pete at the summit of Pawnee Peak, looking
down into the entrance of the chute that we were about to ski.
Here's a better picture of the chute. From below, it looked *way*
too steep to ski, but the perspective from above was less scary.
Making some turns in the chute. Yes, those are snowflakes in the
picture - a small snowsquall set in during our descent.
Here's Russ and I towards the bottom of the run. The chute that
we skiied comes off the summit, directly between the two of us. There
were lots of turns to be made below the chute, too.
Here's a telephoto shot of the chute, showing our tracks. This photo
makes the chute look like a bunny slope. It wasn't. Note the extensive
slides towards the bottom of the photo.