Larsen, L. G., J. W. Harvey, and J. P. Crimaldi, "Morphologic and transport properties of natural organic floc", Water Resources Research, 45, W01410, 2009. |
Larsen, L. G., J. W. Harvey, G.B. Noe and J. P. Crimaldi, "Predicting organic floc transport dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems: Insights from the field, the laboratory, and numerical modeling", Water Resources Research, 45, W01411, 2009. |
J.P., "Planar laser induced fluorescence in aqueous flows," Experiments
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L.G., J.W. Harvey and J.P Crimaldi, "A delicate balance: Feedback
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J.P., J.R. Koseff and S.G. Monismith, "Structure of mass and
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D.E. and J.P. Crimaldi, "The accuracy of acoustic Doppler
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J.P. and J.R. Koseff, "Structure of turbulent plumes from
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L.G. and J.P. Crimaldi, "The
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J.P., J.R. Hartford and J.B. Weiss, "Reaction enhancement of point
sources due to vortex stirring," Physical
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J.P., J.R. Koseff and S.G. Monismith, "A mixing-length formulation
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of Fluids 18, 095102, 2006. |
J.P. and D.W. Knight. A Laser-Based Flow Visualization System for
Fluid Mechanics Instruction. Proceedings of the American Society
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Crimaldi and H.S. Browning. A proposed mechanism for turbulent enhancement
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P.A. and J.P. Crimaldi. Odor landscapes and animal behavior: tracking
odor plumes in different physical worlds. Journal of Marine Systems
49: 55-64, 2004. |
J.P., J.K. Thompson, and J.R. Koseff. Hydrodynamics of larval settlement:
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J.P, M.A.R. Koehl, and J.R. Koseff. Effects of the resolution and
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J.P., M.B. Wiley, and J.R. Koseff. The relationship between
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J.P. and J.R. Koseff. The structure of passive scalar plumes in
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Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-29, 2001.
J.P. and J.R. Koseff. High-resolution measurements of the spatial
and temporal scalar structure of a turbulent plume. Experiments
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J.P. and J.R. Koseff. Nonintrusive measurements of turbulent scalar
fluxes using a combined LDA/LIF probe. Proceedings of the 12th Engineering
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J.P., The effect of photobleaching and velocity fluctuations on
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J.P. and J.R. Koseff. Turbulent scalar flux measurements over model
bivalves. Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the International
Association for Hydraulic Research, ASCE, August 10-15, 1997 San
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J.P., R.T. Britt, and W.P. Rodden. Response of the B-2 aircraft
to nonuniform spanwise turbulence. Journal of Aircraft 30(5),
652-659, 1993.